Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa on the Street

So, we went to Maple Grove and did some shopping. We also ate lunch at Noodles. While walking back to our car, we saw Santa walking down the street.

That's not something you see everyday. So we stopped and were lucky enough to capture this awesome picture of of Ian and Santa. Ella was sleeping and we didn't dare wake her up.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ella Sleeps 10 Hours! Snoring Parents Happy.

What a great night. Ella went to bed last night and didn't wake up until 6:45. Amy actually went to check on her at 5:30 and she was sleeping soundly. Here are some reasons why:
  • New Huggies diapers. Not the crappy (literally) ones we were using.
  • Super soft, cozy fleece Jammies. I wish they came in my my size.
  • A new super cozy knit blanket from the Ireland family. Okay, probably just Kristen. I don't think Corey knows how to knit. Thank you, Irelands!
  • A great day at Aunt Becky's house getting worn out.
  • Two of the most awesomest parents ever who obviously know how to parent!
To make the day even better: Ian has pooped in the potty twice already this morning. Underwear Rocks! No more diapers for Ian. He's officially a Big Boy.

I've spread my joy for today. I'll try to post some pictures later. Enjoy the snow!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ella Sleeps Through the Night!!!

It happened. Ella Slept from 9:30 to 5:30! No feedings, no fussings. I call it a miracle. Amy says its because she didn't nap very much.

Either way, it was ruined by a four year old who had to poop at 4:00 in the morning. The good news, he did it in the potty. But it was a 4:00 in the morning.

Oh, well, Ella slept through the night and Ian pooped in the potty. I guess we can't complain.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Jamison!!!

Ian and Ella's friend Jamison turned 1 today! It's hard to believe it has been a year already. Congratulations to Jamison. Also, congrats to his parents for surviving 365 days!

Check out pictures of the party on the Adam's Family Blog.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"I don't like Nemo!!!"

So, Ian's been having some issues with going to bed. He goes in, comes out, goes in, comes out, cries and gets angry. Well, the biggest issue is that he gets mad and says, "I don't like you." Yeah, that's pleasant. For all the parents of babies who don't yet talk, don't encourage it. It has led to this for us. I'm assuming your experience will be no different.

Tonight, I think we finally broke Ian of saying he doesn't like us. Instead, he said, "I'm mad!" Good, he's in touch with his feelings. He went on to say, "I don't like Nemo!" I don't know how Nemo fits into the conversation but, in all honestly, most of what Ian says makes little sense to me in my sleep deprived state.

The moral of the story? Parents don't let your kids talk.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

10 Years Strong

Amy and I had our first date today, November 1st, back in 1998. I made cheese stuffed shells, garlic bread and salad for dinner in my apartment. I even went out and bought candlesticks (and candles) for the evening. The candlesticks are currently on the shelf above the bathroom door. As I recall, there was a bottle of cheap wine.

After dinner, we watched A Perfect Murder. Great first date movie.

I'm just glad that the movie hasn't stuck in Amy's head and she hasn't taken me out.

To Amy, after 10 years, I can't believe what we have together. You're wonderful and I love you!!!

Itching or Picking

The other day, I turned my head and saw Ian with his pointer finger right up in his nose. I told him to not pick his nose. He, almost immediately, said, "I'm just itching my nose." Have you ever had to "itch" the inside of your nose? I bet you have. Just don't call it picking.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Joy of Books

Last night, Amy went to the dentist and stopped at the library on the way home. When she got home, Ian was fast asleep.

This morning, Ian came out from his room after I walked Rugby and saw the bag of books. He said, "You wen to library for me?" Then he flipped through the 20 or so books that were in the bag.

He got to a Clifford book. He said, "This is my favorite book ever. Thanks." What a great way to start a day, both for me and Ian. When Amy woke, Ian immediately ran to Mama and said, "Thank you Mama for the books!"

Next Post: Nose Itching or Nose Picking?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Introducing Ella Rebecca Brenke Knaus

Ella Rebecca was born October 2, 2008 at 8:46 a.m. She weighs 7 pounds, 7 ounces and is 20 inches tall. So far, Ella and Mom are doing wonderfully. Everyone is sleeping and eating a lot. Here are a few of the hundreds of pictures that we have taken.

You can see more pictures, Click Here.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Most Annoying Thing Ever

Okay, so I'm sitting at Barnes & Noble in Maple Grove. I'm happily reading a magazine and keeping an eye on Ian, who is playing with the Thomas Trains. He isn't wandering and I'm keeping track of him.

Out of no where, I hear his repetitive squeaking sound, like someone has a dog toy and they are squeezing it at quick little intervals. Then it starts getting louder. Not quicker, just louder. Oh, and much more annoying.

Then this little girl walks into the children's area. I look for a squeaky toy, amazed that she is able to keep the constant cadence. Here's the scary part: There is no squeaky toy. IT'S HER SHOES!!! That explains the repetitive nature. I did find the shoe on this website: Here's your warning: the squeaky starts when you get to the site. Don't do it in a meeting, which is where I did it.

You might think that is the most annoying part. WRONG. Here's the annoying part. The mom trailing, and not really paying attention to, her daughter had a cell phone plastered to her head. Perhaps, if she hung up the phone, she wouldn't need the squeaky shoes.

If you're wondering, I'm not alone on this one. The nice lady working in the children's section said that those shoes wouldn't last 5 minutes in her house. I continued to shake my head in disbelief until the squeaky sound disappeared into the distance.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hot Dog Dance

If your familiar with Mickey's Clubhouse on the Disney Channel, then you probably know about the hot dog dance. This is Ian favorite, or only, dance that he does. Check out the video below.

Enjoy the dancing. He gets it from both his mom and dad, but more so from dad.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Picnic #1-Brenke Family

It was a big weekend for the Knaus Family. The first event of the weekend was the Brenke Family Picnic. Amy organizes this every year and this was the best turn-out yet. I enjoyed my Boca Brats while Amy sank her teeth into a real hamburger. That doesn't happen very often.

Ian got to go swimming. This year, he actually floated. Last year, he was firmly attached to anyone who got close enough to him, usually me!

Below is a picture of all the cousins. The old guy on the end is Grandpa Gary. He always manages to get in with the younger crowd.

After swimming, Ian and Cole headed off to the trampoline. Cole liked to bounce into Ian. Ian liked to bounce away from Cole. All-in-all, it was a good time. No one broke any bones and there was only one crying incident.

After three hours of swimming, bouncing, eating and running in the sun, the picture below is the result. Not too shabby for a Saturday afternoon! And thank goodness for long car rides.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pictures from the Grassy Knoll

I spent a week in Dallas. I know, very exciting. One of the only really cool things we did was go see the site of the Kennedy Assassination, The Sixth Floor Museum, and the Grassy Knoll. We went down to the corner on Sunday night. There were two guys who have believe whole-heartedly in the conspiracy theory and shared everything that they know. It was extremely interesting to listen to them. A few days later we went to The Sixth Floor Museum. There was an audio tour that walked through the time line of the assassination. The really eerie part of the tour was the seeing the corner with the boxes of books stacked up where Oswold (supposedly, conspiracy, perhaps) hid and shot Kennedy.

Click here to see the pictures that I took.

It's scary to look at the road and see the two "X"s in the road, marking the two shots that hit Kennedy. From the sixth floor, it is easy to imagine the shots. However, walking around the grassy knoll, it easy to imagine another shooter hiding behind the picket fence (which is still there.)

There is a lot of evidence to support a conspiracy theory. Seeing this history in action, has really made it real and gotten me to think more about it. And being able to see and walk on the grassy knoll was amazing!

Click here to explore the conspiracy theories.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No Talking Guys!

Okay, so the other night Amy and I were laying in bed and reading The Pregnancy Journal. It is a day by day account of what is happening with the Baby Girl that we are expecting. After being in Dallas for 6 days, we were somewhat behind.

After catching up on about 4 days, we hear a tiny, sleepy voice coming from the other room. The voice said, "No Talking Guys!" If you can imagine a whisper shout, that was it. Amy and I both laughed hysterically and put the book away.

It makes me think that Ian has tolerated our nightly reading but anything more than one days is unacceptable to him.

We continued reading the next night in quieter voices and he was able to sleep though it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We Have Poop!!!

Today, we went to see Dr. Amy, the speech therapist, Dr. Swan, the pediatrician, and Tim, the hair stylist (not a doctor, but very good).

Ian's scores went up again with Dr. Amy. Dr. Swan took a picture of Ian's belly. Full of POOP. [Insert joke about the Knaus' and full of Poop, I'll wait]

So, he suggested MiraLAX, fruit and something that made Ian cry uncontrollably for 10 minutes. If you don't know, you'll find out soon with your own Kid. After the ten minutes, there were several long, Bryon Adams long, passes of gas. Then there was poop. Then there was sitting on the potty.

This is where it gets good. We've been tyring to potty train but it has been hit or miss at best. After 5 books, 10 minutes and snack break for pregnant Mama, Ian pooped in the potty. Not a lot, just a spot, but it was poop!

We immediately opened one of Ian's poop presents that have been waiting for months, gave high fives, hugged, did a cheer and called Grandpa. It was a very eventful night in the Knaus House.

[Pictures will follow!]

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pie Run #2 & The New Craving

I had to make another pie run Sunday night. One apple, one strawberry and a side of whipped cream. While I was waiting, the wonderful cashier lady asked me what kind of cookie Amy would like. I said, "I didn't order a cookie." The look she gave me suggested that I was an idiot. She said it was for the baby. The good people at Perkins will be seeing much more of me.

The other place that will probably be seeing more of me is McDonalds. Amy had to have honey last night. And what goes good with honey? I'm glad you asked. Honey, of course. Chicken nuggets dipped in honey.

Ian was a very happy little boy. French Fries are by far the best food that has ever gone into his belly. I think his little tummy would explode if we let him all the fries he wanted.

Can't wait to see is in store for tonight. I'll keep you all updated.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bedtime iPod?

Check this out from Star Tribune: The new summer reading: Bedtime stories now available on children's iPods

I blogged about this in my tech blog but it really fit here too. The article is about iPods loaded with audio books for kids. It appears that it is too hard for parents to sit down and read a book to their child. Except for days when I've been out of town, I can't remember a day that I didn't read to Ian.

Parents: Pick up something, anything, with words and read those words to your child. It's not that complicated and it will mean the world to your child and his education.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Honey, I need Apple Pie

It's official: CRAVINGS. It has been mostly beef, roast beef sandwichs from Arby's. Being a vegetarian, the cravings haven't benefited me at all. No good. That all changed last night. Oh, yea!

Amy turned to me and said, "Honey, I'm going to need some pie tonight." It's about time. I went out later that night a purchased 2 pieces of Apple Pie from Perkins. They also had a cookies. I bought a cookie for Ian too. He shouldn't be left out the cravings. And feeling really guilty when I got home, I had to give Rugby a treat too.

I don't really think that Rugby understands the concept of having a baby but she is in for a huge surprise in a few months when all the crying starts again. She's got it pretty rough.

I didn't get to eat my pie last night. I think I'll indulge myself tonight. It should be good. Pregnancy is turning around for me. Out with the roast beef, in with the pie. God help us!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Why Papa? Why Mama?

I don't know what happened. One day, Ian was a perfectly happy, "Knaus Family Normal" little boy. The he spent a day at Aunt Heidi's house. That night, all we heard was "why?" "Why Mama? Why Papa? Why Rugby?"

So far, the "why's" have been limited to one per event. It isn't the repeated Why, Why, Why. It's almost time to break out the "because I said so." All I can say is good times.

And thanks to Adams Brewery for a mention in thier blog. Even though they think that I make up everything! Ha!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Everyone Knows!!!

Amy said that we could tell everyone. Including work people. I told the key people at school and hope that everyone will know in the near future. No one has given us a solid reason why it will be a boy or a girl.

The cravings so far are not working for me. Amy wants hamburgers, chicken, olives and other assorted disgusting things. With Ian, it worked out great. Ice cream, sugar...those were the days. I can only wait and see where this is headed.

All looks good so far!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm going to be a BIG BROTEHR!!!

I can't wait. Mama and Papa keep asking me if I want a little sister or little brother. I just pick one. Yesterday, I wanted a little brother. The day before, I wanted a little sister. They say, as long the baby is healthy that's all that matters. Somehow, I don't think I actually get a choice.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


She'll be coming 'round the moutain when she gets here. - May 2009
Daddy, use your big eyes - Easter Egg Hunt, April 12, 2009
I'm mad about everything. - April 12, 2009
My butt itches - December 26, 2008
These are the best presents I ever got. - December 25, 2008
'Cause nobody wants to see my penis. (Ian describing why he has to wear underwear, with dead serious expression)
- November 23, 2008

(Jumping up and down) Daddy, Mommy's making pancakes. Hooray! - November 23, 2008
I pee a lot.-November 21, 2008
Daddy, I went poopy. Wanna see?-November 21, 2008
You not coming to my party.-November 19, 2008
I don't like Nemo!-November 19, 2008
I'm mad.-November 18, 2008
How many times I have to tell you.-November 15, 2008
Hold my sheep. Don't eat it.
- November 3, 2008
I'm just itching my nose. -November 1, 2008
Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you don't, I don't care, I pull down your underwear. - October 31, 2008
Beans, Beans, the more you eat the more you toot, all the way home-October 2, 2008
I'm Cera, you Petrie
From Land Before Time.)- October 1, 2008
Oh, man. - August 12, 2008
Hey Daddy, be careful not pee in you underwear.
- July 27, 2008
Let's share. They're for all buddies (everybody's). - July 25, 2008
Let's turn on the news. That make Mama happy. - July 9, 2008
It's cozy in here! - July 2, 2008
I'm not happy.
No talking guys.
Don't laugh at me.
I'm not happy with you, Mama.
Don't come in my house. (the house is under the table in the living room)
Go away.
Come! (complete with hand gesture)
Big Hug, Big Kiss!
I need some cuddles!
One more cuddle.