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Saturday, November 8, 2008

"I don't like Nemo!!!"

So, Ian's been having some issues with going to bed. He goes in, comes out, goes in, comes out, cries and gets angry. Well, the biggest issue is that he gets mad and says, "I don't like you." Yeah, that's pleasant. For all the parents of babies who don't yet talk, don't encourage it. It has led to this for us. I'm assuming your experience will be no different.

Tonight, I think we finally broke Ian of saying he doesn't like us. Instead, he said, "I'm mad!" Good, he's in touch with his feelings. He went on to say, "I don't like Nemo!" I don't know how Nemo fits into the conversation but, in all honestly, most of what Ian says makes little sense to me in my sleep deprived state.

The moral of the story? Parents don't let your kids talk.

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