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Monday, September 15, 2008

Most Annoying Thing Ever

Okay, so I'm sitting at Barnes & Noble in Maple Grove. I'm happily reading a magazine and keeping an eye on Ian, who is playing with the Thomas Trains. He isn't wandering and I'm keeping track of him.

Out of no where, I hear his repetitive squeaking sound, like someone has a dog toy and they are squeezing it at quick little intervals. Then it starts getting louder. Not quicker, just louder. Oh, and much more annoying.

Then this little girl walks into the children's area. I look for a squeaky toy, amazed that she is able to keep the constant cadence. Here's the scary part: There is no squeaky toy. IT'S HER SHOES!!! That explains the repetitive nature. I did find the shoe on this website: Here's your warning: the squeaky starts when you get to the site. Don't do it in a meeting, which is where I did it.

You might think that is the most annoying part. WRONG. Here's the annoying part. The mom trailing, and not really paying attention to, her daughter had a cell phone plastered to her head. Perhaps, if she hung up the phone, she wouldn't need the squeaky shoes.

If you're wondering, I'm not alone on this one. The nice lady working in the children's section said that those shoes wouldn't last 5 minutes in her house. I continued to shake my head in disbelief until the squeaky sound disappeared into the distance.

1 comment:

Bryon said...

Man WTF those shoes are out of control. Almost as bad as the Hot Dog I take that back I love that song. I play that link at least once a week.

Try this link out for size, not sure if it will make the Blog.