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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pie Run #2 & The New Craving

I had to make another pie run Sunday night. One apple, one strawberry and a side of whipped cream. While I was waiting, the wonderful cashier lady asked me what kind of cookie Amy would like. I said, "I didn't order a cookie." The look she gave me suggested that I was an idiot. She said it was for the baby. The good people at Perkins will be seeing much more of me.

The other place that will probably be seeing more of me is McDonalds. Amy had to have honey last night. And what goes good with honey? I'm glad you asked. Honey, of course. Chicken nuggets dipped in honey.

Ian was a very happy little boy. French Fries are by far the best food that has ever gone into his belly. I think his little tummy would explode if we let him all the fries he wanted.

Can't wait to see is in store for tonight. I'll keep you all updated.

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