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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Picnic #1-Brenke Family

It was a big weekend for the Knaus Family. The first event of the weekend was the Brenke Family Picnic. Amy organizes this every year and this was the best turn-out yet. I enjoyed my Boca Brats while Amy sank her teeth into a real hamburger. That doesn't happen very often.

Ian got to go swimming. This year, he actually floated. Last year, he was firmly attached to anyone who got close enough to him, usually me!

Below is a picture of all the cousins. The old guy on the end is Grandpa Gary. He always manages to get in with the younger crowd.

After swimming, Ian and Cole headed off to the trampoline. Cole liked to bounce into Ian. Ian liked to bounce away from Cole. All-in-all, it was a good time. No one broke any bones and there was only one crying incident.

After three hours of swimming, bouncing, eating and running in the sun, the picture below is the result. Not too shabby for a Saturday afternoon! And thank goodness for long car rides.

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