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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Six pairs of Underwear

Here's an excerpt from the last conversation of the night:
Ian: (coming out of his room) Mommy, my back hurts.
Amy: (sitting in chair) Your back hurts or your butt hurts?
Ian: (cuddling with Amy, in whiniest voice ever) My butt hurts.
Amy: You did a lot of pooping today.
Ian: Uh-huh.
Yeah, and all of his pooping was in his pants. It appears that he has forgotten how to move himself to the bathroom before he poops. He is now pooping and then moving to the bathroom. On the upside, I didn't feel much like eating lunch.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Nice honey, nice. That was a privileged conversation. So much for confidentiality. Amy