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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My New Hero For Cancer-Lance Armstrong

Paul Krimmage, a Sunday Times reporter, called Armstrong a "cancer." In Armstrong's press conference on Friday, February 13th, he put Krimmage in his place. You have to hear Armstong's level-headed, fair, cussing-out-without-cussing-out response to this jackass reporter.

The first 1:45 is the best but Armstrong also gets in a dig at the very end of the clip.

Watch the video here.

Too many people are affected by this horrible disease. We lost Grandma Jonnie. Grandma Jan and Grannie Annie survived. Most recently we lost Grandma Harris. I'm thankful for all the amazing Angels out there but it is still tragic. And for this reporter to compare a cancer surviver to a cancer....

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