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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Picnic #1-Brenke Family

It was a big weekend for the Knaus Family. The first event of the weekend was the Brenke Family Picnic. Amy organizes this every year and this was the best turn-out yet. I enjoyed my Boca Brats while Amy sank her teeth into a real hamburger. That doesn't happen very often.

Ian got to go swimming. This year, he actually floated. Last year, he was firmly attached to anyone who got close enough to him, usually me!

Below is a picture of all the cousins. The old guy on the end is Grandpa Gary. He always manages to get in with the younger crowd.

After swimming, Ian and Cole headed off to the trampoline. Cole liked to bounce into Ian. Ian liked to bounce away from Cole. All-in-all, it was a good time. No one broke any bones and there was only one crying incident.

After three hours of swimming, bouncing, eating and running in the sun, the picture below is the result. Not too shabby for a Saturday afternoon! And thank goodness for long car rides.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pictures from the Grassy Knoll

I spent a week in Dallas. I know, very exciting. One of the only really cool things we did was go see the site of the Kennedy Assassination, The Sixth Floor Museum, and the Grassy Knoll. We went down to the corner on Sunday night. There were two guys who have believe whole-heartedly in the conspiracy theory and shared everything that they know. It was extremely interesting to listen to them. A few days later we went to The Sixth Floor Museum. There was an audio tour that walked through the time line of the assassination. The really eerie part of the tour was the seeing the corner with the boxes of books stacked up where Oswold (supposedly, conspiracy, perhaps) hid and shot Kennedy.

Click here to see the pictures that I took.

It's scary to look at the road and see the two "X"s in the road, marking the two shots that hit Kennedy. From the sixth floor, it is easy to imagine the shots. However, walking around the grassy knoll, it easy to imagine another shooter hiding behind the picket fence (which is still there.)

There is a lot of evidence to support a conspiracy theory. Seeing this history in action, has really made it real and gotten me to think more about it. And being able to see and walk on the grassy knoll was amazing!

Click here to explore the conspiracy theories.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No Talking Guys!

Okay, so the other night Amy and I were laying in bed and reading The Pregnancy Journal. It is a day by day account of what is happening with the Baby Girl that we are expecting. After being in Dallas for 6 days, we were somewhat behind.

After catching up on about 4 days, we hear a tiny, sleepy voice coming from the other room. The voice said, "No Talking Guys!" If you can imagine a whisper shout, that was it. Amy and I both laughed hysterically and put the book away.

It makes me think that Ian has tolerated our nightly reading but anything more than one days is unacceptable to him.

We continued reading the next night in quieter voices and he was able to sleep though it.