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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We Have Poop!!!

Today, we went to see Dr. Amy, the speech therapist, Dr. Swan, the pediatrician, and Tim, the hair stylist (not a doctor, but very good).

Ian's scores went up again with Dr. Amy. Dr. Swan took a picture of Ian's belly. Full of POOP. [Insert joke about the Knaus' and full of Poop, I'll wait]

So, he suggested MiraLAX, fruit and something that made Ian cry uncontrollably for 10 minutes. If you don't know, you'll find out soon with your own Kid. After the ten minutes, there were several long, Bryon Adams long, passes of gas. Then there was poop. Then there was sitting on the potty.

This is where it gets good. We've been tyring to potty train but it has been hit or miss at best. After 5 books, 10 minutes and snack break for pregnant Mama, Ian pooped in the potty. Not a lot, just a spot, but it was poop!

We immediately opened one of Ian's poop presents that have been waiting for months, gave high fives, hugged, did a cheer and called Grandpa. It was a very eventful night in the Knaus House.

[Pictures will follow!]