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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ian's Christmas Medley

So, Ian's been in to Christmas music lately. He'll just be randomly singing songs throughout the day. We wanted his music to live on forever. ENJOY!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Soldier Returns!!!

Welcome Home Jessica!!!

The Captain is home from Iraq. We missed you! Thank you for serving our Country and our Soldiers.

See the album here: click here.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The San Deigo Bear

Here is the final collection of pictures of Ian's bear from San Diego.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sad Mama

Over the weekend Ella pulled herself up and stood up for several seconds. 7 months have passed and she already has 6 teeth. Tonight I went up to check on Ella and she was on her tummy. She had rolled over all by herself for the first time. It all makes me quite sad as she already seems on the path to being a toddler. And then there's Ian...he's not helping the situation either. He seems to be growing up to fast also...setting up his own play dates and visiting with the neighbors all on his own. Where did he learn this stuff?!! What's a mom to do?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What do kids do when they go to bed?

The other night, Ian was up until after 9:00. Here's what he was doing:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Twins Opening Day Tradition

Last year, we started a new tradition. On opening day of the Twins season, we have a special Opening Day Dinner.

This year, the menu included hot dogs, pretzels, popcorn, peanuts in the shell, and chocolate milk. We spread a blanket on the living room floor and had a nice picnic.

Ian had a hard time with the peanuts but managed to talk me into cracking a few open for him. The unfortunate part is that Ian wasn't able to stay up long enough to see any of the game. Ella made it until about 7:30 but she was more interested in screeching and chewing on things.

It's a fund tradition and will be much more fun when Ian and Ella can play along!